To the left is a shot of our booth at the Arizona Game and Fish Department Outdoor Expo which was March 23rd & 24th, 2024. We displayed FRS Radios, GMRS Radios, Business Band Radios and the Maxon Chatterbox X2 Slim-P FRS/GMRS Helmet Communicator.
Tens of thousands attended this event, and probably about 500 people stopped by our booth over the two-day event. We passed out many brochures and business cards, imparted a ton of information about GMRS radios to the many who visited our booth and made a few business contacts.
Many people inquired about using repeaters in the area and how they can gain access. We also had a lot of people needing more information about GMRS in specific and operational protocols. These were all referred to the Arizona GMRS Repeater Club booth, which was just a few booths away from ours. I was told that at least one person joined the club as a result of this expo. Many people who visited the AZGMRS booth first were referred to our booth by the crew serving over there, specifically in answer to the question of where the best place would be to purchase radios, accessories and installation.
Sadly, not one single sale of radios, accessories or other equipment was made as a result of this expo but, being our first year exhibiting, we learned a lot about this audience. People seemed willing to purchase inexpensive items and get “free swag”, but for big ticket purchases most of the attendees were strictly in “information gathering mode”. If we exhibit next year we will surely tailor our presentation to better address the buying habits and information gathering needs of the attendees. In spite of our sales expectations being unmet, all in all it was a great experience!