About Us

Who is Radios Across America?

Radios Across America was born from a lifelong interest in electronics and communications, by Tim Mrva. He was sparked by building crystal diode radios and Knight Kit walkie-talkies at an early age. As a teen, he built instrument amplifiers for the rock bands he was involved with throughout high school.  After high school, he obtained a CB license (back when they were still being issued) and dabbled in CB for a few years until – in 1976 -he took his Novice Amateur radio exam in Detroit, Michigan, and passed.  His call was WD8QLB

Tim has worked in multiple industries over the years including Manufacturing, Warehousing, as General Manager for a Ham Radio shop, as a Manufacture’s Representative for Commercial Two-Way Radio companies, as a Sales Rep for the Wire and Cable industry, a Database Manager for a Wire and Cable Distributor, and as an office/operations manager at a local Two-Way Radio Dealer. An entrepreneur at heart, Tim has owned and operated a two-way radio installation company, a small manufacturing concern, a web design firm, an online domain name and hosting sales company, and has been a representative for a few different network marketing organizations. Tim is the owner of Radios Across America, which was established on January 01, 2021 and he has been running it part time since then. On July 01, 2022 it becomes a full-time endeavor to build his business of (as the company motto says), “connecting people across the states!”

Tim has had a passion for and has been involved in two-way radio in one way or another for over 58 years. He is an FCC licensed Amateur Radio (Ham Radio) operator – call sign N7EGK and a GMRS licensee – WQRV903.

Tim lives and works with his wife of 44 years. His wife is kind of a “behind the scenes” sort of gal and is not actively involved in two-way radio other than by osmosis smile.  He has three children and three grandchildren. He and his wife are born-again believers in Jesus Christ and are actively serving and attending their home church here in Phoenix. Tim is the founder of the Arizona GMRS Repeater Club and has served as a board member.

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