On June 3rd, 2023 the Arizona GMRS Repeater Club held their 3rd Annual Connectionfest. The first Connectionfest was actually called “Member’s Day” but the event was the same – a chance for GMRS Users and Club Members to come together, experience presentations from learned speakers in the area of two-way radio in general and GMRS in specific, to network over lunch, win fabulous raffle prizes and meet vendors of GMRS equipment who made their products available for sale, right there at the event. Radios Across America LLC has been a proud exhibitor and sponsor of these community events ever since the club began holding them. Connectionfest 2024 is scheduled for June 1st, 2024. You can view it on the club calendar and contact the president for more information through the link provided there. Once the registration link becomes active, be sure to register in advance.